The Story Behind ‘Autumn Evening at Home’ - a Journey Through Time and Space

The Story Behind ‘Autumn Evening at Home’ - a Journey Through Time and Space

 As the golden light of a fading autumn day gives way to the soft, flickering glow of candlelight, the dining room in our Victorian family home in Worcestershire transforms into a scene of timeless elegance and warm intimacy. This is the essence of my painting, “Autumn Evening at Home,” recently selected as a finalist for the prestigious Broadway Arts Festival art competition 2024. Now SOLD; prints available here



A Room Steeped in History and Quiet Elegance

“Autumn Evening at Home” was inspired by our own Victorian dining room, a space where history seems to linger in every corner. The room itself is dark and moody, with an atmosphere that’s both mysterious and inviting. The walls, painted in Farrow & Ball’s Inchyra Blue, serve as a rich canvas for a selection of my artworks, all set in gilded frames. By day, the room is used for family meals, but it truly comes to life in the evening, when candlelight from a large candelabra casts a warm, golden glow over the mahogany furniture and terracotta tiled floor.



In the painting, I sought to capture this moment of transformation—the stillness of the room just before it fills with the noise and laughter of family dinners. The Persian rug, the Victorian piano, and the antique mirror above the fireplace all contribute to the room's elegance, yet there’s a sense of coziness that makes it feel like home. This duality—elegance and warmth—is what makes this room special and what I aimed to convey in my work.


A Reflection of My Artistic Journey

As a classically trained artist with over 30 years of experience, my style has evolved into what could be described as a blend of colorism and post-impressionism. Although I began my career working in oils, I now often paint with acrylics, using techniques that mimic the depth and texture of oil paintings. My traditional training is evident in the way I layer colour and build up surfaces, but there’s also a contemporary sensibility to my work—a result of years of experimentation and growth.


In “Autumn Evening at Home,” the use of dim lighting and rich, deep colours reflects my love for creating mood and atmosphere. The painting invites the viewer to step into this world of subdued elegance, to feel the stillness of the room, and to imagine the stories that unfold within it. The choice of candlelight as the primary light source was deliberate—it not only adds a sense of intimacy but also ties the painting to a specific moment in time, just before the room is filled with the bustle of family life.


Connecting with Collectors Through Storytelling

Over the years, I’ve come to understand that what resonates most with my collectors— all of whom  have a deep appreciation for art and history—is the personal connection I bring to my work. Many of them have shared with me that they love the way I incorporate elements of my life, such as family antiques, into my still life paintings. These objects, like the ones in “Autumn Evening at Home,” are not just decorative; they are imbued with memories and stories, creating a bridge between the past and the present.


The dining room in this painting is more than just a physical space; it’s a symbol of the enduring importance of family connections, a theme that became even more poignant in the aftermath of the pandemic. As we all navigated the uncertainties of that time, the comfort of family and the familiarity of home took on new significance. This painting is a tribute to those quiet moments of togetherness, to the warmth and security that come from being surrounded by loved ones in a space that feels truly ours.


Final Thoughts


“Autumn Evening at Home” is a piece that holds a special place in my heart, not only because of its personal significance but also because it represents a culmination of my artistic journey. It’s a painting that invites viewers to pause, to reflect, and to find beauty in the quiet, everyday moments that often go unnoticed. As it stands as a finalist in the Broadway Arts Festival competition, I’m honoured to share this work with a wider audience and hope it resonates with them as deeply as it does with me.


This painting is now SOLD to an art collector, but limited edition prints are available on my website. The Finalist Art Exhibition runs from 27th September until 6th October, where “Autumn Evening at Home” will be displayed alongside the works of the other finalists. Do join us if you can…

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